Kuandika kitabu changu cha kwanza kumenifanya nijifunze mambo mengi sana ya kimaisha ambayo sikuwahi kujifunza au hasa kuyatilia maanani..
Mojawapo ni kwamba maisha yetu ni kitabu.
Yes, maisha yako ni kitabu.
Na ni wewe unayekiandika. Sasa naongea kwa live experience. Kazi ya kuandika ni kazi kubwa inayohitaji siyo tu uweke akili yako hapo bali na moyo wako wote hapo. Kuna wakati unaweza kusema sijui niishie hapa? Lakini unaamua kusema hapana nitaifanya kazi hii na kulipa gharama ya kutafuta maarifa kwa kusoma vitabu, Ku interview watu, kuangalia videos mbalimbali kuhusu nachoandikia, kuwauliza wazee kuhusu mambo ya zamani, kujifunza kuhusu Ulimwengu unakoenda kupiga magoti kumwomba Mungu na kukaa mezani muda wa kutosha kuandika na kupanga na kupangua mambo.. Kifupi mpaka kitabu kikamilike kazi kubwa imefanyika!
Sasa katika maisha yako unaandika kitabu pia. Bahati mbaya sana kila mtu ana size ya kitabu chake. Yaani siku za maisha yake. Kuna wenye kurasa nyingi Halafu hawajajitambua so kurasa nyingine wanazipita bila kuandika chochote, kuna wenye kurasa chache lakini wamejitambua. Ni kama Ulimwengu wa vitabu. Kuna vitabu kidogo tu kama THE RICHEST MAN IN BABYLON (Mtu Tajiri Zaidi Wa Babeli) lakini vina nondo za kufufuka mtu. Na kuna vitabu vikuubwa namna hii.. (Hahaaa kama unaona mikono yangu) lakini huenda manufaa yake yakawa kiduchu kabisa.
Je, maisha yako umeshajua ni kitabu kikubwa au kidogo? Chembamba au kipana?
Usikute upo kurasa za mwisho mwisho tena za kakitabu kadogo halafu unaishi kama mtu ambaye yuko kurasa za katikati za kitabu kikubwa chenye kurasa nyiingi sana. Ndiyo maana yule nabii wa kale alioongelea kuomba Mungu atufundishe kuhesabu SIKU a.k.a kurasa za maisha yetu. Ni hatari sana kufa bila kumaliza kusudi halafu watu wanadhani kila kifo ni premature kumbe muda wako umeisha na spika wa bunge kakwambia ukae! Whether point zako zimeisha au ulikuwa hujamaliza "muda umeisha muheshimiwa tuwape nafasi wengine pia tafadhali kaa chini au microphone yako itazimwa!" Sasa wewe badala ya kupanga point mapema ungali na muda wa kuandika kitabu chako upo tu unashukuru Mungu kwa kukuumba kila siku ukiamka na kulala asante Mungu kwa Zawadi ya uhai. Sawa basi ongea point basi twende mbele. What are you doing na huo uhai sasa?
Ajabu ukiona wengine wanaandika vitabu vyao unashangaa. Write your book. Na kuna kazi kubwa. Wengine wameishia kwenye introduction tu mwaka wa 10 sasa hivi hawajafanya kitu. Mungu kakupa ndoto kichwani hutaki kuifata. Kwa sababu unaona hauko comfortable. Nani alikwambia uliumbwa uje kuwa comfortable? Write your book. Usiishi maisha ya mtu mwingine. Ishi maisha YAKO. Hey, unaandika kitabu CHA KWAKO ati.
Je kitabu chako ni kikubwa? Au kidogo? Lazima ujue. Maandalizi ya kuandika kitabu cha kurasa 40 na kitabu cha kurasa labda 200 ni vere vere vere tofauti. Yawezekana maisha yako yanapaswa yawe majibu kwa mtu au watu walioko Lima, Perth, Seoul au Quebec lakini wewe unahangaika ku IMPRESS watu wa Sinza kwa Remmy! Uaikute maisha yako yanapaswa kusaidia hata nchi nzima hii au bara lote au hata dunia. Lakini wewe unahangaika kushindana na watu usiowajua Instagram. Uliza Mungu kama hujajua ukubwa au udogo wa kitabu chako mapema. Usije ukaja kuuliza ukaambiwa una kurasa chache tu zimebaki sasa sijui utaandika conclusion ya nini .
Write your book. Na usione wivu wowote kitabu cha mwingine kikiwa labda kikubwa. Kazi ya kukiandika pia anayo kubwa zaidi kuliko wewe. Andika cha kwako.
Usiishi bila kuwa na positive impact yoyote. Acha alama nzuri katika uso wa dunia ukijua kuwa ukifa tu wewe na Mungu mnaanza kupitia ukurasa mmoja mmoja.
Maisha yako ni kitabu.
Kiandike vizuri
Jumanne, 17 Novemba 2015
Jumapili, 15 Novemba 2015
I greet you in the name of #humanity.
I don't know who you are or what you really are for. Although I know that all of you who stand as ISIS, were created human too. What you have become not only do I not know but also don't wish to know.
I have become accustomed to horrible tales of victims and survivors of your actions. I have increasingly seen the mess that you leave behind after your acts of terror. I have quietly prayed for you to come back to your senses and for your spirits to know God for who He TRULY is. But now I feel that even though I will never stop praying for you, but I have to speak my mind and let you know what you should.
There's is a reason we are human. And ability to terrorize others has never been and never will be one of them. And with this I speak not only to you but to ALL perpetrators of terror in all its forms whoever they may be wherever they may be. The reason we are human is so that we should co-exist seek God and do good. And that is deeply engraved in our psyche, our very being.
No one can cheat their own soul.
But you have become the reason for much suffering of those not concerned with your agendas. The little babies and children who are orphaned by your terror attacks. The poor souls going about their lives only to be interrupted with gunshots bomb explosions and the resulting deaths, injuries, wars, family separation by displacements and even refugee situations all of which most of your victims never easily recover from.
What you gain from it I have always wondered.
And I know you also do although you stubbornly try hard to convince yourselves otherwise.
You have resolved to taking matters into your own hands and in your own "sagely wisdom" a decision to murder people, more so those who have no way of ever knowing how they wronged you, becomes the chess game you play on your own.
What you don't see, and perhaps because your obsession with seeing the blood of innocent people flow has blinded your sight, is that humanity has increasingly joined hands not only to condemn your actions but also to heal the affected and mend the broken hearts. Can't you see that you are losing? I'm sure you do.
So why not come back?
You always seem to take pride in announcing that you were responsible for the terror attacks. Well, I guess that satisfies your egos. For deep down, your own hearts are bleeding with pain. You don't sleep, you don't enjoy life, you don't even worship God as he deems fit, you do Him a disservice by what you don't gain anything worthwhile, yet you try to fool us all that you are happy. No you aren't. Your hearts are bleeding. Your minds are shouting to you urging you to come back.
Those of you who die in your cause are a waste. That's the truth. Whose truth, you ask. Humanity's. For humanity has stood as one in one accord. In one voice. "Voxi Populi, Voxi Dei" I'm sure you do know. So yes your own dead are a waste. Some of the good hearts gone bad. Some of the brightest minds wasted in a lost cause. Some of those who would have become the very solutions to the very situations you are attempting to resolve by worsening. How sad it has become. The once good people dragging each other to the "grave" with a rope of innocent blood and believing - or indeed doubting I believe - that even theirs is a service to the Almighty. Leaving the scene having never lived at all. Having never made the world any better than you found it! Why choose to live in hiding and fear while you can be like the rest of humanity living in the open and walking freely being human like the loving souls you have been murdering and terrorising? Why choose to worsen the wound instead of working together to heal it? Why try to cheat your own hearts knowing it to be a fruitless endeavour? For every time you hit, humanity wins.
This should tell you that you are working against humanity and you are losing.
And now that HUMANITY has WON yet again by joining our hands with the French and praying with them than ever before while our hearts speak #TheFrenchLanguageOfLove in unison do you wish for more blood so you can witness more and more of what HUMANITY is made of? Think about that. Do you watch it when the candles are lit and little children and adults alike stand as one, rich and poor, people of all races, all nations, all religions, even those without one, all people but you, standing as ONE to show what humanity is all about? I bet you do. And I know you see it. And you hate it. For you have become humanity's enemy or you wouldn't hurt hearts in the first place. So yes you can see us standing as one even from your hideouts. And you know that humanity stands as one even in this hour when someone in Cape Town, Juba, Windhoek, Lagos, Tunis, Melbourne, Beijing, Delhi, Seoul, Manchester, Glasgow, Dallas, Doha and Beirut is praying for a fallen soul in Paris. When global monuments are showing solidarity in French national colours and flags are flying at half mast to show that humanity has won. Yes you see and you know. That's the bliss I know you are missing.
For if you don't you will always miss this part of the human soul. This bliss. You'll live in complete separation of that which you are a very part of. And isn't that the irony?
You'll live and leave as a wasted lot. #ComeBackToHumanity. Come back and see for yourselves what it is like to be TRULY HUMAN. What it is to stand as ONE.
I am not to judge your afterlife. For there's only one rightful judge for that. But I'm here to ask you to come back. To ask you to retake your mind. To retake your psyche.
To regain your consciousness.
To stop murdering innocent people.
#ComeBackISIS. Enough blood now. Come back and let's make it better than we found it. This way we will even win back the others. Even the very ones you are trying to "show your muscles" to. Those you are trying to fight. For humanity has never failed and never will. Humanity will A-L-W-A-Y-S win.
#ComeBackToHumanity. And you'll see that humanity has always been on your side.
Yours in the name of humanity.
I greet you in the name of #humanity.
I don't know who you are or what you really are for. Although I know that all of you who stand as ISIS, were created human too. What you have become not only do I not know but also don't wish to know.
I have become accustomed to horrible tales of victims and survivors of your actions. I have increasingly seen the mess that you leave behind after your acts of terror. I have quietly prayed for you to come back to your senses and for your spirits to know God for who He TRULY is. But now I feel that even though I will never stop praying for you, but I have to speak my mind and let you know what you should.
There's is a reason we are human. And ability to terrorize others has never been and never will be one of them. And with this I speak not only to you but to ALL perpetrators of terror in all its forms whoever they may be wherever they may be. The reason we are human is so that we should co-exist seek God and do good. And that is deeply engraved in our psyche, our very being.
No one can cheat their own soul.
But you have become the reason for much suffering of those not concerned with your agendas. The little babies and children who are orphaned by your terror attacks. The poor souls going about their lives only to be interrupted with gunshots bomb explosions and the resulting deaths, injuries, wars, family separation by displacements and even refugee situations all of which most of your victims never easily recover from.
What you gain from it I have always wondered.
And I know you also do although you stubbornly try hard to convince yourselves otherwise.
You have resolved to taking matters into your own hands and in your own "sagely wisdom" a decision to murder people, more so those who have no way of ever knowing how they wronged you, becomes the chess game you play on your own.
What you don't see, and perhaps because your obsession with seeing the blood of innocent people flow has blinded your sight, is that humanity has increasingly joined hands not only to condemn your actions but also to heal the affected and mend the broken hearts. Can't you see that you are losing? I'm sure you do.
So why not come back?
You always seem to take pride in announcing that you were responsible for the terror attacks. Well, I guess that satisfies your egos. For deep down, your own hearts are bleeding with pain. You don't sleep, you don't enjoy life, you don't even worship God as he deems fit, you do Him a disservice by what you don't gain anything worthwhile, yet you try to fool us all that you are happy. No you aren't. Your hearts are bleeding. Your minds are shouting to you urging you to come back.
Those of you who die in your cause are a waste. That's the truth. Whose truth, you ask. Humanity's. For humanity has stood as one in one accord. In one voice. "Voxi Populi, Voxi Dei" I'm sure you do know. So yes your own dead are a waste. Some of the good hearts gone bad. Some of the brightest minds wasted in a lost cause. Some of those who would have become the very solutions to the very situations you are attempting to resolve by worsening. How sad it has become. The once good people dragging each other to the "grave" with a rope of innocent blood and believing - or indeed doubting I believe - that even theirs is a service to the Almighty. Leaving the scene having never lived at all. Having never made the world any better than you found it! Why choose to live in hiding and fear while you can be like the rest of humanity living in the open and walking freely being human like the loving souls you have been murdering and terrorising? Why choose to worsen the wound instead of working together to heal it? Why try to cheat your own hearts knowing it to be a fruitless endeavour? For every time you hit, humanity wins.
This should tell you that you are working against humanity and you are losing.
And now that HUMANITY has WON yet again by joining our hands with the French and praying with them than ever before while our hearts speak #TheFrenchLanguageOfLove in unison do you wish for more blood so you can witness more and more of what HUMANITY is made of? Think about that. Do you watch it when the candles are lit and little children and adults alike stand as one, rich and poor, people of all races, all nations, all religions, even those without one, all people but you, standing as ONE to show what humanity is all about? I bet you do. And I know you see it. And you hate it. For you have become humanity's enemy or you wouldn't hurt hearts in the first place. So yes you can see us standing as one even from your hideouts. And you know that humanity stands as one even in this hour when someone in Cape Town, Juba, Windhoek, Lagos, Tunis, Melbourne, Beijing, Delhi, Seoul, Manchester, Glasgow, Dallas, Doha and Beirut is praying for a fallen soul in Paris. When global monuments are showing solidarity in French national colours and flags are flying at half mast to show that humanity has won. Yes you see and you know. That's the bliss I know you are missing.
For if you don't you will always miss this part of the human soul. This bliss. You'll live in complete separation of that which you are a very part of. And isn't that the irony?
You'll live and leave as a wasted lot. #ComeBackToHumanity. Come back and see for yourselves what it is like to be TRULY HUMAN. What it is to stand as ONE.
I am not to judge your afterlife. For there's only one rightful judge for that. But I'm here to ask you to come back. To ask you to retake your mind. To retake your psyche.
To regain your consciousness.
To stop murdering innocent people.
#ComeBackISIS. Enough blood now. Come back and let's make it better than we found it. This way we will even win back the others. Even the very ones you are trying to "show your muscles" to. Those you are trying to fight. For humanity has never failed and never will. Humanity will A-L-W-A-Y-S win.
#ComeBackToHumanity. And you'll see that humanity has always been on your side.
Yours in the name of humanity.
Jisajili kwenye:
Machapisho (Atom)